This venison/Deer skin is cleaned, rolled & air dried for a slow period of time in our commercial machine to make a great healthy natural chew and toy for your dog.
Be prepeared to have fur go flying and tails go wagging because this is as much a toy as it is a chew treat.
Nothing added 100% natural product
The whole thing is edible!
We recommend feeding fur as a treat, not as a regular part of your dogs' meals. Feeding fur too often like every day, brings the risk of impaction. A dog fed a fresh food diet may have less risk because of the natural fiber added to the bowl (i.e., vegetables), but there are no guarantees.
You may see marks on the skin that look like plastic rings this is the marks left by our ties during the process and is completly safe.
Two sizes:
Small is about a 11cm by 12cm peice of skin rolled up.
Large is about a 12cm by 21cm peice of skin rolled up.
Deer Scroll
Yep this is a natural & safer treat to give your dog rather then rawhide treats you get in the shops. Rawhide chews are made from the leather industry's leftovers. Most hides are taken directly from the kill floors at slaughterhouses and placed into high-salt brines for weeks or months.Once the hide arrives at a tannery, it is soaked and treated with lime to help separate the fat from the skin, the hair is removed by chemical and physical efforts, and the hide is rinsed again. Unfortunately, the salt brines cannot prevent decay, no matter how long they delay it. It is best to fully rinse a rawhide in water prior to giving it to your dog with our treats this is not needed. Rawhide can not be digested by your dog & Irish bowel damage when it comes out the other end, Thats if it doesn't get stuck! Our skin and fur is softer, the cannie stomach can process it and even helps with bowel health.